Have you ever experienced PERFECT love? Absolutely PERFECT and PURE love gives you a feeling of love, peace, and hope..... Remember these words:
Which one are you? The person that BELIEVE'S that they'll receive their heart's desire? -OR- The person that DOUBT'S that they'll ever receive their heart's desire? We all have to decide which person we are, or the person that we want to become if we ever want to achieve something in life. Don't allow someone else to decide for you..... YOU. DECIDE. TODAY! If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much. We are ALWAYS looking somewhere, but you have to decide which source you'll continuously look to.
Keep this in mind......... A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways, but a stable minded man will receive the desires of his heart because he BELIEVES! Which source are YOU looking to? Thank you for supporting Teens Of Honor,INC. and not backing down on supporting us in our mission to see the lives of every young adult changed. THANK YOU!!! ![]() “Never, never, never give up.” ― Winston Churchill “Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about.” ― Winston Churchill “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm” ― Winston Churchill “You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” ― Winston Churchill “As long as we have faith in our own cause and an unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us.” ― Winston Churchill “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” ― Winston Churchill The title of this post says it all friends. This really is a MUST SEE, MUST WATCH video! Why?? Just watch this video and you'll find out. Don't wait! Watch it NOW: http://youtu.be/_GyZZmhE66k Now, GO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN !!!!!
Hi Friends, This is Teens Of Honor with a special gift for you! In a previous blog post, we shared that next Tuesday, February 26, 2013, Teens Of Honor will NOT be having a LIVE call, but we will be sharing a FREE complimentary recording here on the Leaders Of Honor blog. Our gift to YOU is sharing a FREE recording from one of our archived calls! These calls range from $8.95 to $159.95 (which is VERY inexpensive), however, YOU will be getting a call recording for FREE!!! Enjoy listening to the call recording! Listen and learn. Increase in wisdom, knowledge, insight, and understanding! Also, take COPIOUS notes! You won't regret taking them! Now, GO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN!!!!! ![]()
Hi Friends,
THIS IS AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM TEENS OF HONOR. READ BELOW FOR DETAILS AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION! __________________________________________________________________ Tonight, Wednesday, February 20, 2013 and next Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Teens Of Honor will NOT be having our weekly Prayer calls. Also, next Tuesday, February 26, 2013, Teens Of Honor will NOT be having a LIVE call, but we will be sharing a FREE complimentary recording here on the Leaders Of Honor blog ( http://teensofhonor.weebly.com/leaders-of-honor-blog.html ) ** On Tuesday, February 26, 2013, go to our blog: http://teensofhonor.weebly.com/leaders-of-honor-blog.html , and go to the post with the call recording. ** The next LIVE Teens Of Honor call will be on Tuesday, March 5, 2013 at 7 P.M. EST/6 P.M. CST . Now, GO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN!!!!! Hi Friends,
A couple days ago, Teens Of Honor posted on Facebook...... In February 2013, Teens Of Honor will be interviewing several special guests from all around America. They will be sharing tools of how to achieve success in life! You don't want to miss any of the February calls! Get as many people as you can to join in! These ARE NOT calls that you'd want to miss! Well, tomorrow night at 7 P.M. EST/6 P.M. CST Teens Of Honor will be interviewing a special guests from a very special company... with a very special name! We'll be sharing lots of 'sweet' information and talking about some 'sweet treats' as well! Don't miss out on the topic of sweets, goodies, and good manners! Join us tomorrow at 7 P.M. EST/6 P.M. CST ! Call: 1-218-632-0174 Pin: 537001# Now, GO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN!!!!! Have you ever set a goal or a 'resolution' and never reached or attained the outcome that you wanted?
Did you ever loose sight of your dreams, and stop pursuing them? Well, TONIGHT at 7p.m. EST/6p.m. CST, Teens Of Honor will be having a very special guest ALL THE WAY FROM HAWAII that will be sharing her expertise about how to set a goal, and do whatever it takes to attain it! Everyone has a DREAM........are YOU willing to go after it? If you are, join Teens Of Honor TONIGHT at 7p.m. EST/6p.m. CST to learn how to attain YOUR DREAMS !!! Call: 1-218-632-0174 pin: 537001# Now, GO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN!!!!! Teens Of Honor wants to personally say Happy New Year!!! Wishing you all many blessings, and much success in 2013! It's been an honor and pleasure to help youths and parents worldwide for positive change in every area of their lives! Thank you for helping us on our mission, for your positive words of encouragement, and for your continuous support to the Teens Of Honor team. We are grateful for the GREAT year that we had, and we are looking forward to the spectacular things that are going to happen next year in 2013! Thank you all for standing with us to make our world a better place! Thank you for helping us continue to be an organization that encourages ALL people for entrepreneurship, leadership, and success :) . Tonight, Teens Of Honor will not be having a LIVE call, but we WILL be sharing a "free gift" for you. We will be sharing a power-packed call recording with you (The recording is a download that you can save and re-listen to). Please DO NOT re-record, sell, transfer, email or share the call recording through public and/or private social media or other means. To show honor to this ministry, we ask that you honor our request. Thank you. Enjoy the recording, and Happy New Year! From: The Teens Of Honor Team Visit us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/TeensOfHonor ![]()
Teens Of Honor wants to personally say Merry Christmas, and may God bless you in the coming year.
Thank you all for standing with us to make our world a better place! Thank you for helping us continue to be an organization that encourages ALL people for entrepreneurship, leadership, and success :) . Tonight, Teens Of Honor will not be having a LIVE call, but we WILL be sharing a "free gift" for you. We will be sharing a power-packed call recording with you (The recording is a download that you can save and re-listen to). Please DO NOT re-record, sell, transfer, email or share the call recording through public and/or private social media or other means. To show honor to this ministry, we ask that you honor our request. Thank you. Enjoy the recording, and Merry Christmas! From: The Teens Of Honor Team Visit us on facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/TeensOfHonor Helping Youth Around the World
By: Alyssa Russell A few days ago, a tragedy took place in the United States Of America (USA). There was a shooting in an Elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. The alleged shooter, was a youth of America: just the age of 20. Now, he is known as a mass murderer; not just in America, but worldwide. What if he was known as a positive young man instead of a mass murderer ?? What if he had made the NEWS for being a positive world changer instead of a madman who murdered 27 people?? The 27 people include his mother, 20 children and 6 adults from the Sandy Hook Elementary school. What have we learned or believed as acceptable behavior?? Or do we still believe it's "kids these days" ?? What are we doing as a people, a nation?? What are parents doing to change the negative statistics of these major and/or minor crimes and murders?? Is there any hope left for America's youth?? And if there is, what are we doing to create the 'hope' that we desperately need ?? Before we can find out how to create the 'hope' we must discover the problem. What is the problem, or various problems that have created this idea of death and destruction?? Some of the MAJOR 'problems' that I have found to be a "common denominator" between people who have the idea of death or destruction, or people who have committed any type of major/minor crime is..... video games, evil TV programs, and horror flicks/movies top the list. It appears as though these 3 thing in particular create the desire for evil intentions, death, murder, and so on. Think about it..... when you, your child, or someone else you know does one, two, or all three of these things, don't you observe their 'bad side' or negative behavior coming out?? So there..... point proven! This is not just my opinion, it's the truth. You can do your own research and see the negative effects that video games, evil TV programs, and horror flicks/movies have produced and created in people's minds, and bodies. We have made ourselves accept 'evil' (in whatever form) in ourselves, society, and in the world around us. Is this enough?? Is this enough to convince you that we need serious CHANGE and a TURN AROUND in America and in the world?? Now, it is hard to find the 'hope' that we need. It's hard to find youth (especially) that are standing for honor and integrity, and have a positive moral compass for every area of their lives. But, there is 'hope'. There is a group of youth out there that ARE standing for honor and integrity, and have positive moral standards and values that they live by. Have you ever heard of Teens Of Honor?? Well, Teens Of Honor is a organization that I, Alyssa Russell, and my brother Spencer Russell started. Why did we start Teens Of Honor?? Teens Of Honor was started because we had observed youth that are dishonorable, disrespectful, and violent teens and young adults. It was to help and encourage youth worldwide for POSITIVE leadership, honor, integrity, and to redefine the meaning of success in their lives. Our organization is changing the youth of the world..... one life at a time. We are doing our part to help change the negative statistics of youth into positive statistics. Are you??? Have you done YOUR part in changing today's youth?? Or are you sitting back saying, "Oh, kids these days!!". What are YOU doing?? Are you going to step up and change?? I hope that this encouraged you to take action NOW.... TODAY!! This is for real. Tragedies are taking place everywhere, almost all the time. However, together we can change the negative into positive. Will you join us on THIS MISSION ??? Now armed and informed with THIS information, what will YOU do?? "By the way, what have YOU done that's so great? Do YOU create anything, or just criticize others' work and belittle their motivations?" -Steve Jobs Have you supported a group of individuals that are SERIOUS about changing their generation, making a better United States Of America, and a better world??
Have you shown support to teens and youth worldwide who are stepping up to take a stand and lead their generation back to entrepreneurship, leadership, and success in EVERY AREA OF LIFE?? If you have not supported a group that meets these descriptions, then support Teens Of Honor! Join us in our mission to make a better America, world, and generation that stands for honor, respect, integrity, and success in EVERY AREA OF LIFE!!! Teens Of Honor is the place to be. Won't you join us on THIS mission?? Now, GO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN!!!!! We want YOU to be free from:Slavery,Doubt,Etc. Instead, be free! This movie, Chicken Run, is a GREAT example of TRUE FREEDOM. Watch it! YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS TONIGHT'S CALL!!!!!!!!
Tonight, Teens Of Honor will be interviewing a successful speaker, marketing professional, and an investor, who will be sharing his wealth of KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM with our audience. Tonight's call will be held at: 7p.m. EST/6p.m. CST. Number is: 1-218-632-0174 pin: 537001# We WILL be looking forward to having YOU!! Now, GO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN!!!!! Hey all, Spencer here.Here are your missions mentioned on Tuesday's: 30 Days:NO Murmuring,Whining, Complaining,Lying,Etc. (When you murmur,whine,or complain, you MUST start the 30 days over again) 7 Days:Plan your life daily 7 Days:Study successful people And 5 Days:Work as a team player Which one is your life? It's sad to say that most people's life is like the boy:Stressed out, always working,and always quitting.Instead, be like the little children:Never quitting, never stressed,and always has perseverance.We were all like the little children when we were younger.Don't tell us;"I was NEVER like that!" Well, you were! Let us call your mother or father and they will say THAT YOU WERE! 1-218-632-0174 pin: 537001#
![]() "If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind,Of what,then,is an empty desk a sign?"--Albert Einstein ![]() "A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes ![]() "Few people think more than two or three times a year. I have made an international reputation for myself by thinking once or twice a week." -- George Bernard Shaw ![]() "In any situation, the best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is nothing."-- Theodore Roosevelt How do you feel about you and self image? Well, most teens have a LOW self image and fall to the LIES of the media,family,peers,and many others at school,work,and play. Here are some stats: The American College Of Obstetricians And Gynecologists say that Almost 54 percent of American girls and women aged 12 to 23 years old are unhappy with their bodies and that One-third of high school students thought they were overweight when they were not,Roughly 75 percent of girls as young as 9 years old have dieted from 2 to 5 times in a given year, At any given time, 5 to 10 million women and girls have eating disorders that harm their health, including anorexia nervosa and bulimia.
Isn't that sad??!! Boys are part of that equation too! According to a study done in Australia, it was estimated that about 45 per cent of Western men(North American men etc.) are unhappy with their bodies to some degree, compared with only 15 per cent some 25 years ago. That is sad! How are we supposed to make a change? The one and only Alyssa Russell will be talking about it tonight and how to stop feeling that way because that path you might be on is a 98% path. Instead, join the 2% path with us and with other 2%ers at First Steps To Success in Dallas,TX July 14-16,2012 Make sure you mark your calender for tonight at 4:00 P.M. PST 7:00 P.M. EST the call number is:218-632-0174 The pin: 537001# We'll hear you tonight! Have you ever wondered why when you get angry your stomach area hurts?Or when you cry your lungs ache?Or when you fear your lower back hurts?Well, humans in our sin, have made DRUGS to seem like it will solve our problem instead of ACTUALLY solving the problem! Dr. Jim Richards has found out how why our bodies feel this way and how we can put off sin, and put on what really belongs in our life!! We have a new number for our Tuesday calls at 7:00 P.M. EST . The new number is: 1-(218)-632-0174 and the pin is 537001# Thank you for being on the calls!!! :-)
Teens of Honor will be crating 3 new pages that will be officially debuting by the third week of June, 2012.
The 1st page will be a Testimonial Page. That page will consist of YOUR views, and comments that you've experienced with the Teens of Honor weekly phone calls, and being plugged in with us. The 2nd page will be a Picture Page. The picture page will contain numerous pictures of all the teens in the Teens of Honor group, as well as teens that we surround ourselves with on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis at First Steps to Success, and Creating a Dynasty.(Learn more about First Steps to Success and Creating a Dynasty at www.danijohnson.com/video) The 3rd page will be a Donation Page. This page is strictly for giving to charitable organizations that Teens of Honor will be supporting. We, the Teens of Honor group, have a heart for giving. We don't want to be a group of selfish, cold-hearted individuals that don't know the meaning of true giving. So starting next week, Tuesday, June 5, 2012 Teens of Honor will be conducting several fundraisers geared toward raising money for: 2012 in 2012 which is an organization that has a goal of giving to 2012 orphans in the year 2012. We also are going to be giving to: Kings Ransom Foundation, a charity that gives to widows, orphans, and people in need. We'll be opening a PayPal account that will hold all the donations, and transfer the donation funds directly to 2012 in 2012 and Kings Ransom Foundation. Thanks for standing with us. To submit your testimonial, or a picture, send us an email! The Teens of Honor email is: [email protected] |
AuthorsSpencer & Alyssa Russell Archives
February 2017