Question: What are some ideas of what teens should plan for after high school graduation?
Answer from Teens Of Honor: We are honored that you want us to answer your question! Our best word of advice is for them start thinking of something that they want to pursue in their lives. A career, path and choice in life.... (Do this BEFORE graduation!!) If they are planning to go on to college, have them know exactly what they're going for... and their reason for going. (If their reason is just "so I can get a job" or "because it will help me make a lot of money", have them rethink. "Am I going to college just to get a degree, get a job, and make money, or am I going to college because I'm going to learn more about something that I really want to pursue in my life"? ) After they decide what it is that they want to do with their lives, then they can start planning from there.
Also, they should plan out what they want their lives to look like within the next : - 1 year - 3 years - 5 years - 10 years - 20 years ( They might have some problems thinking and planning out their lives this far.... but it's needed. If you don't know what you want to do with your life, you will just live paycheck to paycheck, moment to moment..... and die.. Not just a physical death, but probably even an emotional, spiritual, mental, and relational death as well).
We hope this answers your question, and helps teens and young adults worldwide to change their lives for the better!
~Teens Of Honor Alyssa and Spencer Now, GO MAKE SOMTHING HAPPEN !!!!! (c)
Question: What are some ideas and tools I can implement to share my passion with others/the world?
Answer from Teens Of Honor: 1. Marketing is knowing how to sell. 2. If I don't know how to market well, I will fail! 3. Figure out your product by identifying, selecting, and developing; figure out the Price based on the time, labor, and what it takes to make the product; find a good Place to sell your product, develop a Promotional strategy by creating a business plan and doing it; and Promoting your product. 4. I can use my acting talent to make short films to get myself out there. 5. No, I am not currently getting myself out there. 6. You can advertise through word of mouth, placing ads, and through marketing events.
Question: I know money isn't everything... But I know we need money to operate in the world. How can I think of "money" in a more positive way?
Answers from Teens Of Honor: Here are my answers to tonight's questions: 1. Money is the answer to everything, according to the Bible. 2. Money is used to buy things, redeem on a rainy day, and give to those less fortunate. 3. People don't know how to manage their money because they want to be free to spend on whatever they want. 4. The 10-10-10 rule is that you give 10%, save 10%, and use 10% of your money to grow. 5. The way you can teach others to save money is to ask them if they want to stay in bondage, and give them the 10-10-10 rule.
Do you have any unanswered questions that you believe a lot of other teens would like the answers to? If so, email us at [email protected]to submit your questions to us!