Remember last night's interview with Gary Foster? Well....You can watch the replay all day today! Plus, here is more info about Gary! And remember.. No if's, and's or but's! Get CCP's Gospel Spoken Word vol.1 Today!! This is how you can find out more info about Gary Foster!
1. 2. 3. and 4.
Learn about living an #honorable life on the Teens Of Honor call tonight as our guest, Mr. Foster shares his story.
Get your friends, co-workers, family (children, spouse, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents) and every one you know to call in! LIVE tonight at 7 PM ET/6 PM CT Call: 1-218-632-0174 Access Pin: 537001# Or Watch LIVE: Now, GO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN!!!!! The Teens Of Honor broadcast will NOT be aired tomorrow night, Tuesday, November 11, 2014.
The call will, however, be re-scheduled for Wednesday, November 12, 2014. On the 12th, the Teens Of Honor prayer call will be broadcasted LIVE starting at 6pm ET/5pm CT, and the Teens Of Honor Broadcast will begin at 7pm ET/6pm CT. We can't wait to have you and your friends and family on the line Wednesday night! Now, GO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN !!!!! ~Teens Of Honor ATTENTION:
The Teens Of Honor broadcast will NOT be aired tonight. However, we will be having a "marathon" call tomorrow night. From 6-8 p.m. ET/5-7 p.m. CT, Teens Of Honor will be hosting, LIVE, our prayer call (6-7p.m.), then the Teens Of Honor broadcast afterwards (7-8p.m.) We can't wait to have you and your friends and family on the line tomorrow! Now, GO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN !!!!! ~Teens Of Honor |
AuthorsSpencer & Alyssa Russell Archives
February 2017