Hello friends! Spencer here. I wrote this letter on Wednesday to encourage and inspire you to reach for more in life. Read the letter here and share it with your family and friends. Blessings! Spencer Russell, Co-Founder of Teens Of Honor ![]()
We want to thank you for supporting Teens Of Honor in the mission of "Circling The Globe, and Leaving A Legacy." In an effort to better serve YOU and our audience, we will be updating the time of our weekly broadcasts. Starting on Tuesday, November 1, 2016, the time for each broadcast will switch from 7 PM EST/ 6 PM CST to 9 PM EST/ 8 PM CST. *The time and dates are located right below this message.* Once again, thank you for your continued support of Teens Of Honor. Continue to soar to great heights and never stop dreaming! To Your Success, Spencer Russell, Co-Founder of Teens Of Honor, INC. We all ask this question from time to time; however, what if there is more to life than we think?? Tonight, Alyssa and I want to discuss this and find out why each of us are here! Here is the info for tonight's broadcast: See you tonight! Let's change our lives!
We need your help! People want to understand and we don't have the answers!!!
Can you help with the answers?? Call us tonight at 7 PM EST/6 PM CST with the answer! Number: 1-218-632-0174 Pin: 537001# Live Streaming: bit.ly/1tH6QbS Talk to you soon! Dedicated to helping our generation succeed, Alyssa and Spencer Russell, Co-Founders of Teens Of Honor, INC. Now, GO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN!!!!! How would you like to be a Millionaire THIS YEAR?!? Join Alyssa and I tomorrow night at 7 PM EST/6 PM CST as we interview a Multi-Millionaire who wants to share with you how you can become Independently Wealthy THIS YEAR!
#ForThePeople #TOHInterview #MillionsIn2016 Tonight at 7 PM EST/6 PM CST, Alyssa and I will be interviewing our parents, Mr. Richard Russell and Mrs. Denese Russell (aka Teens Of Honor Dad & Mom) on the Teens Of Honor Tuesday Show.
Call: 1-218-632-0174 Access Pin: 537001# Or Watch LIVE:bit.ly/1tH6QbS #ForThePeople #TOHInterview #TOHTUESDAYS #TeensOfHonorTuesdayShow Dedicated to seeing lives grow and succeed, Spencer Russell, CEO and Co-Founder of Teens Of Honor, INC. YES! It's FINALLY 2016! It's now time to quicken up your pace for success! Please watch this video that Alyssa and I did so that you can start fresh this year by setting GOALS and not Resolutions..... Success IS in your hands! Don't destroy it! Build on it and make it GROW! Now, GO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN!!!!! Check out this amazing story that we received on Monday!
We are SOOO blessed by the stories such as this.... The History Of Jewish Feasts....REVEALED... TONIGHT!!! Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream10/22/2015 That's right! Tonight, Alyssa and I will be interviewing Ms. Adeline Bart Parson and her son Samuel Bart as they join us to tell us about Jewish Feasts, Festivals, and Jewish culture.
Whether you are home-schooled (a homeschool parent), a Christian, or just interested in Jewish Culture.....join us tonight to learn more about the Jews and their culture..... from a Biblical perspective! The call begins at 7pm EST/6 PM CST. The call number is: 1-218-632-0174 Access Pin: 537001# Or Watch LIVE Below! (At the time listed above) Looking forward to your presence on the line tonight!! Now, GO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN!!!!! That's right. You heard me clearly.... your issues are YOUR OWN fault! I can say it's true.... NO ONE LIKE TO FAIL!!! Yet failure is good! Why? Tune In Here at 7 PM EST/ 6 PM CST To Find Out!
"Be a Leader not a Follower!"... "Together, Everyone, Achieves, Much."... etc We've all heard these statements at some point in our lives and we have either taken this advice seriously or ignored it completely. And why? Why would you not do that? Your level of success depends on how you help others; namely networking (building a tribe). Something's not right.... what is it..... and WHY?
Nancy Drew, Dick Tracy, Adrian Monk and even Sherlock Holmes can't decode the answer to this mystery.... HOWEVER, THE ANSWER HAS BEEN DISCOVERED AND IS GOING TO BE REVEALED TONIGHT! Join us tonight to find out the answer to this mystery! Call: 1-218-632-0174 Access Pin: 537001# Watch Live: http://hubs.ly/y0Y2MD0 Now, GO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN!!!!! #TOHTUESDAYS #MYSTERY #DETECTIVESTOH❓ As you all know, A Moment With Teens Of Honor has just started Season 3. It's been an amazing journey that Spencer and I both appreciate. As we start a new chapter of our show, remember that we don't just do this just to do it ... this is done to make a positive change in the world.
As we've seen the sad thing that have happened in the past 34 days (yes, it has only been 34 days so far in 2015) it is really a time to make a change! The mission is to 'Circle The Globe, and Leave A Legacy', let's not take this as a joke, byt actually do it! Spencer, I know you have a few words to say, so, I'll hand it over to you! Alyssa and I just watched this with our family and... wow......where are we headed?? Watch for yourself to understand... HEY!! We have a gift for you from our friends Social Club!!! HERE IT IS!!!!! ![]()
Have you ever felt depressed or downcast because of being bullied?
Do you know how to handle, or deal with it? Tonight at 7pm ET/6pm CT, Teens Of Honor will be interviewing Karleigh, a teen who has overcome the pain of being bullied, and will be sharing her story and words of wisdom with YOU! Don't miss out. Get your friends, family, co-workers and their kids on the call. Bullying is an issue... but Karleigh's story can help someone to overcome and live a dynamic life of freedom and confidence! Will you join us? To do so, call: 1-218-632-0174 (Pin: 537001#) or Watch LIVE on Ustream: http://ustre.am/12mYZ Now, GO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN !!!!! Remember last night's interview with Gary Foster? Well....You can watch the replay all day today! Plus, here is more info about Gary! And remember.. No if's, and's or but's! Get CCP's Gospel Spoken Word vol.1 Today!! This is how you can find out more info about Gary Foster!
1. http://www.jesuschristcornerstone.com/spokenword/ 2. https://www.facebook.com/DrawingOtherToChrist 3. https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/gospel-spoken-word-vol.-1/id820538742 and 4. http://www.jesuschristcornerstone.com/ Learn about living an #honorable life on the Teens Of Honor call tonight as our guest, Mr. Foster shares his story.
Get your friends, co-workers, family (children, spouse, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents) and every one you know to call in! LIVE tonight at 7 PM ET/6 PM CT Call: 1-218-632-0174 Access Pin: 537001# Or Watch LIVE: http://bit.ly/1sEU5Lx Now, GO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN!!!!! The Teens Of Honor broadcast will NOT be aired tomorrow night, Tuesday, November 11, 2014.
The call will, however, be re-scheduled for Wednesday, November 12, 2014. On the 12th, the Teens Of Honor prayer call will be broadcasted LIVE starting at 6pm ET/5pm CT, and the Teens Of Honor Broadcast will begin at 7pm ET/6pm CT. We can't wait to have you and your friends and family on the line Wednesday night! Now, GO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN !!!!! ~Teens Of Honor ATTENTION:
The Teens Of Honor broadcast will NOT be aired tonight. However, we will be having a "marathon" call tomorrow night. From 6-8 p.m. ET/5-7 p.m. CT, Teens Of Honor will be hosting, LIVE, our prayer call (6-7p.m.), then the Teens Of Honor broadcast afterwards (7-8p.m.) We can't wait to have you and your friends and family on the line tomorrow! Now, GO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN !!!!! ~Teens Of Honor |
AuthorsSpencer & Alyssa Russell Archives
February 2017